Monday, November 15, 2010

Waiting Patiently.

Who:  Me and my shadow
What:  waiting for little brother to drop a Cheerio my way
When: Sunday morning
Where: my living room, Hawaii
Why:  Little brother is a pretty easy target.  He often drops food, whether it's a cookie or some rice, so I make sure to sit by him and stare him down if necessary. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

I sit.

Who: Me, Anoush
What: sitting for a treat
When: Halloween
Where: Mililani Dog Park
Why: my parents say I have too much energy and need to burn some of it off.   I'd rather sit and wait for a treat. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What are you looking at?

Who:  Me, Cucca
What: chillin' with my toys
When: October 2010
Where: one of my favorite spots,  under daddy's legs
Why: because I want to

Monday, August 23, 2010

A visit to the Vet

Ummm...mummy, you know i don't like the doctor. Why am I here?

Can you open the door? Look, I seet like a good girl.
Come on, whada'ya say, just open the door so I can get some fresh air...

Ok, fine! I do it myself.

....all...most there....

What's that??! Mummy, deed you say there was Cheez Whiz???!!!

Okay, I stay a leetle beet.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Best Friend

Although I have a lot of human friends, I only have one dog friend. His name is Riley. He lives in Texas. This is why Riley and I are best friends:

1. Riley plays my favorite game with me - "Chase Me" - as long as I want - all day long.

2. Riley lets me sleep on his bed when I visit him

3. Riley understands that he cannot hump me, but that I can try to hump him.

4. Riley knows that if I put his ear in my mouth, it's just so it has a place to rest.

5. Riley can open up bags of treats for me to eat.

6. Riley gives me his toys when force - I mean, ask, him to.

7. Riley's mom and dad let me lick them.

This is Riley on my couch.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hi, I'm Anoush!

Hi, My name is Anoush, but you can call me Cuca. Thanks for reading my blog! As you'll find out, I have a lot to say. Here's my story:

I was born in the streets of Miami (most likely Hialeah) about 3 years ago, but have since lived in
Texas - - where I found out I cannot live again due to my severe allergies- - and Hawai'i, my current home.

My favorite activities include hunting flies, licking the carpet, and shedding.

I have a little brother who I help take care of. He gives me his food. He's my favorite.

I also have a mommy (she's a pain) and a daddy (who I'm crazy about).

When my parents are at work, I mostly sit on the patio furniture and plan my escape. I've gotten close, but so far none of my ideas have worked.

You should come visit me. We'll have fun. I'll lick you.